Bars & Backsplash


 Granite Countertops / Bar Tops & Backsplash Home Bar with Granite Countertops / Bartops This project was incredibly challenging.  The design called for clean lines with modern smooth & round transitions yet the look and feel was very rustic, very natural. Sold both in tiles and slabs, granite is frequently used in

Bathroom Designs


 Vanity Tops.  Clean.  Comfortable.  Sleek.  Renovate with perspective... a designer's perspective Bathrooms are tricky.  That's what makes them so interesting to work with.  Small spaces... moving parts... nooks & crannies - all can be a challenge.  What bathroom renovation makes the greatest impact? Replace your vanity tops and enjoy years of satisfaction and return.



Touched By Cancer By Rod savage / Designed by Mia Cras volutpat, ipsum a dignissim pulvinar, turpis nulla egestas turpis, sit amet cursus diam nunc a neque. Maecenas ultrices molestie accumsan. Vivamus pretium vulputate massa, in venenatis mauris elementum eget. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.



Touched By Cancer By Rod savage / Designed by Mia Cras volutpat, ipsum a dignissim pulvinar, turpis nulla egestas turpis, sit amet cursus diam nunc a neque. Maecenas ultrices molestie accumsan. Vivamus pretium vulputate massa, in venenatis mauris elementum eget. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.



Touched By Cancer By Rod savage / Designed by Mia Cras volutpat, ipsum a dignissim pulvinar, turpis nulla egestas turpis, sit amet cursus diam nunc a neque. Maecenas ultrices molestie accumsan. Vivamus pretium vulputate massa, in venenatis mauris elementum eget. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.